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National Lockdown 3 - Points of light

So, here we are again… And it’s tougher this time, plus we don’t know when it ends…

I have decided to blog regularly again through this lockdown, but probably not daily this time. The return of home-schooling means I need to be realistic about what I can do at this time 😊.

I was interviewed yesterday by Jim Hawkins on BBC Radio Shropshire (there is a link to the recording on my home page). He asked me what one thing I would say to people to help at the moment. I went back to the idea of deliberately focusing on the positives. There is no point pretending this is not tough. It is. But it really helps to flip your attention at times from the negatives to also notice for example what you can still do; what has gone well in the day; what we can be grateful for.

My ‘point of light’ yesterday was noticing that the bulbs we planted in the autumn are starting to peep up through the soil, reminding me that spring and brighter times are on their way.



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